Top 10 Australian Pests You Should Look Out For

Common Pests That Are Likely To Invade Your Home

Australia has hundreds of thousands of pests lurking in the shadows, most of which are a nuisance in a household. As most of Australia has a hot and humid climate, this attracts a variety of pest species. We’ve put together this infographic, highlighting the 10 Australian common pests you will find. Keep on reading to learn more!

Top 10 Australian Pests You Should Look Out For

1. Ants

Australia has around 1,300 species of ants while most of them are harmless, some species can be a nuisance. The bull ant, for example, is found all over Australia and is easy to anger, its bite being quite painful. It also leaves moulds of dirt in its wake, and it has the potential of damaging your house. It is naturally repelled by white vinegar, so regularly wiping the floor with a vinegar and water solution might keep this pest away.


2. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are some of the most common pests in Australia. They are known for their potential for carrying diseases, such as salmonella or gastro-enteritis. Plus, these pesky critters can trigger allergic reactions, asthma, and eczema in sensitive groups. They like to hide in clutter, are nightcrawlers, and can also breed very fast. If you suspect an infestation, you should call pest control as soon as possible.


3. Fleas

Fleas are a nuisance for your pets, making them scratch away and causing them discomfort. Also, they have the potential of carrying bloodbourne diseases to your pet. They can lay around 40-50 eggs per day. All they need is a meal from your pet to do it. Fleas rarely bite humans, but it may still happen. The most common species of fleas in Australia are the bird flea, the dog flea, and the cat flea.


4. Ticks

Ticks are capable of transmitting serious diseases such as Lyme disease or typhus. That being said, they are very common in Australia, especially after years of prolonged summers. Ticks hide in tall grass, so you may want to wear clothing that covers your skin in these areas. You should also apply tick repellent before getting out of the house, or even have your yard treated seasonally against ticks.


5. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are bad news in every home, as they only need one meal to lay up to five eggs per day. They can also survive up to 12 months without a meal, making them a highly persistent type of pest. To prevent a bedbug infestation, you might want to check yourself and your luggage each time you come home from a trip, wash the clothing using high temperatures, and call pest control if the infestation becomes too big.


6. Moths

Moths like high humidity levels – and considering the humidity in Australia can reach up to 80 in certain areas (such as Queensland), they are very likely to breed there. The most common moth types in Australia are the carpet and clothing moths, the pantry moth, and the brown house moth. The best way to prevent a moth infestation is to keep healthy humidity levels between 50-55% in your home, by using a dehumidifier.


7. Rodents (Rats and Mice)

Rats and mice were brought to Australia by European settlers, as the pests hid on their boats and began infesting the land. The most common species are the roof rat, the black rat, the brown rat, and the common house mouse. Since they were introduced, they began spreading diseases such as typhoid fever, jaundice infections, and meningitis. If the person dealing with rodents has a weakened immune system, then a pest controller should be called to prevent an infestation.


8. Silverfish

Silverfish are very common throughout Australia, and aside from causing the occasional allergy, they are relatively harmless to a person’s health. That being said, they have a great appetite for cellulose and starches, which means they can easily raid your pantry, library, and closets. They like high humidity levels, so the best way to get rid of these pests is to maintain proper humidity and call pest control when it’s needed.


9. Spiders

There are more than 2,000 spider species in Australia, many of which can be very dangerous. The redback spider, for instance, has high fatality potential if antivenom is not administered shortly after the bite. The less dangerous ones hide in places that are usually out of the way. This leaves a mess in the form of spider webs and being an overall nuisance. Vinegar and peppermint oil around the windows can deter the spiders. You may also want to conduct pest control on your house.


10. Termites (White Ants)

While termites may be useful in forests, as they consume dead wood and fallen leaves, they are not as useful when they meet the “dead wood” of a house. Around 20% of the homes in Australia fall victim to termite attacks, the most common offender being the subterranean termite (i.e., the white ant). The best way to prevent a termite infestation is to live-spray the colony before it damages your home more and then add a termite barrier.


The Bottom Line

Australia is a hub of pests that like humidity and clutter. Some are small and innocent – others are big and make you feel uncomfortable in your own home. That being said, each pest has its own poison, so a good course of treatment should help you protect yourself and your home. Keep an eye out for these critters, and consult the experts at Eco Pest Control Sydney if you think you have an infestation.