The Eco-Friendly Pest Control Guide

Things you need to know about eco-pest control


What do you think of when you think about pest control? Usually, this image conjures up images of someone walking around with a bunch of chemicals and spraying them. While these methods may be effective, there are other ways in which to tackle the difficult job of pest control. The purpose of this writing is to examine so alternatives to traditional pest control. There are many different aspects of pest control that need to address and the benefits of each form. We will be exploring what is commonly termed eco-friendly pest control


There are several benefits of eco-pest control to explore. Do you have pets? Many of the chemical pest controls that are on the market contain harmful pesticides. Should you spray your roses with one of these and Fido licks one of the leaves from the plant, Fido has just injected a harmful pesticide. While a small amount of pesticide may not produce much harm, larger amounts or if it gets in their water then you may very well have a sick pet on your hands.

There are several other reasons as well. Many of the ingredients that are used in eco-pest control are natural and therefore are not as harmful or harmful at all to the environment. You’ll love the results. Since it is an organic approach to pest control, you will not be introducing harmful chemicals that can damage your plants and flowers. Over time, you will notice that the pests will return with traditional pest controls. This is because the effectiveness of the sprays that are use dwindle with time. As the toxicity decreases, so does their effectiveness. With ecofriendly pest control the effectiveness, depending on the method of course, does not decrease in the area.


Who has heard the old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? That has never been truer than when you are dealing with pests. If the proper steps are taken to prevent an infestation before it starts, then you can save yourself major headaches and clean up later.

Identify the Pest You’re Dealing With

One of the most important steps that you can take when it comes to prevention is to identify the pest that you are dealing with. In war it is always best to study your enemy, that statement holds true for when you are addressing pest or potential pests in and around your home. Do your research. Find out what pests are common to the area that you are living in. Ask your neighbors, friends, and family that live in the area if you are not familiar.

Block or Seal Entry Points / Make Your Home Pest Proof

One of the first things that you will want to do is block or seal all entry points to your home. For example, if there is a gap between your door and the floor you may want to invest in a door sweep or strip to place along the bottom of your drawer. Replace worn or torn weather stripping. Many times, if you cannot afford to do this there are community programs that can assist and either do it for free or at a huge price reduction. Replace worn or torn screens on your windows if you open them. Repair or replace the caulk around your windows.

Disinfect and Clean

Keep your home clean and disinfect often. Most of us love having a tidy and neat home. Many of us don’t have time to do it. Make the time. A dirty home is like putting out an invitation for pests. If food has fallen on the floor, clean it up immediately. If your dog makes a mess in the house, clean it up right away.

Control Water Sources

All life needs water to live. Pests are no different. They require the same nourishment from water that a human does. That is why it is so important to not have any standing water around your property or fresh water sources either. This is yet another way to invite annoying pests to your home.

Use Traps

One of the most effective ways to rid your home of these pests is by using traps. There are many different traps to choose from, almost one or more for every need.

Cedar Oil

Cedar oil is yet another way to keep pests away from your home. It works by repelling them from the area as the scent is abhorrent to them.

Use Seaweed Mulch or Spray

If you happen to live in an area that traditionally gets aphids, then you may want to use seaweed mulch and spray. This will assist you throughout the spring and summer by keeping those pesky aphids off your pristine roses.

Interplant and Rotate Crops

Intercropping and rotating the crops that you plant can also assist in keeping pests away from your garden. The crops can attract insects that are predators for the pests that you are dealing with.

Plant Herbs

Many of us already know that a citronella plant will keep mosquitoes at bay, but we don’t have knowledge of much else when it comes to the use of herbs to keep the pests away. By using these herbs, you can not only keep pests away from your home and garden, but you could also use them to season your dinner.

Encourage other animal enemies

Yet another way to keep pests away is to invite their predators and enemies to your garden. You can do that by either putting them there or you can plant crops that need pollination and invite them over for the feast. Either way, you will be happy with the results.


When combatting best it is always a good idea to enlist a few good soldiers. Sometimes though it may not be in your best interest to enlist some soldiers. For example, the natural enemy of the aphid is a spider, but you don’t want a spider infestation. This is where it becomes necessary to do your homework and do a cost benefit analysis. Don’t worry, this has nothing to do with accounting. Here are six insects that can help you conquer the pests that are plaguing your home and garden.

Ladybugs: These lovely little flying bugs can help you with your aphid problems. They naturally prey on aphids and if you have a problem with these pests, you will have these beautiful little red and black bugs in your garden. Some will venture into your yard to find these tiny pests but if you need some many times you can find them for sale at your local gardening supply store as well. You can also attract them to your yard by sprinkling some dill around as well.

Praying Mantis: These intriguing bugs are effective in addressing issues with caterpillars, beetles, and moths. They too can be attracted to your garden by using dills.

Ground Beetles: These beetles are also effective at addressing issues with caterpillars, but they also handle slugs. If you want to attract them to your home put out some evening primrose or clover.

Green Lacewings: These attractive flying bugs are effective in eliminating caterpillars and aphids among other bugs. You can attract them to your garden by using dill or dandelion.

Predatory Mites:  Do you have a problem with spider mites? Then predatory mites will be your answer. They are attracted to greenhouses and will feed on pollen and not your precious plants.

Mealybug Destroyer: They name says it all. If you have an infestation of mealybugs, then these are your answer. They can eat an enormous number of mealybug larvae and effectively stop their life cycle. If you want to attract them, get out some dill and grow the brightest sunflowers you can, and they will come on over to help you out.


In addition to predatory insects, you can also make your own solutions in your own kitchen that will allow you to address your pest control problems. Here are 12 proven recipes that will put you on the fast track to getting rid of your pest problem.

Rhubarb solution: You will need rhubarb leaves, water, and dishwashing detergent for this one. You will use three cups of water for every cup of rhubarb leaves. First, you will bring the water to a boil. Once boiling add the rhubarb leaves and stir them into the boiling water. Allow it to simmer for 30 minutes. Let it cool and remove the rhubarb leaves. Mix one teaspoon of dishwashing detergent in a cup of water. Add in the boiled water from the rhubarb leaves at a ratio of one part to two parts soapy water. You can mix this in a spray bottle as well. This is not safe for pets as the oxalic acid that is contained in the leaves is toxic. This will kill spider mites, aphids and June bugs among others.

Garlic Tea: Garlic tea will also kill spider mites and aphids but is also effective against aphids, June beetles, spider mites, thrips, ants and termites. In order to make the garlic solution you will need 4-5 cloves of garlic, crushed, dishwashing soap and water. Take the crushed garlic and add a quart of water and 4-5 drops of dishwashing soap. Mix thoroughly and then strain it through cheesecloth or something similar. This will create the concentrate. Add 2 ½ cups of water to your concentrate and you are ready to get rid of some pests.

Basil Tea: Need to get rid of some aphids? Basil tea may just be the thing that you need. In order to make basil tea you will need water, fresh basil, and liquid dish detergent. You will first need to bring four cups of water to a boil. Once the water is boiling add the basil and allow it to steep and then remove the basil. Add one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and then it is ready to use.

Epsom Salt Formula: Need to get rid of black spot, mildew, wilt, or rust? This may be your ticket. Get a gallon of water, put two tablespoons of Epsom salt and stir. Yes, it really is that simple.

Peppermint Tea: If you need to get rid of ants just make a peppermint tea. This one you get to benefit from as well. After a refreshing peppermint tea take the used teabag and place it around the areas that you see ants. It is also effective in repelling spiders, aphids and spider mites among others.

Baking Soda Spray: This one is a bit more dangerous but if you have a fungal problem in your garden, it is well worth the risk. It is encouraged to not use this solution often as it can seep into the soil and slow plant growth. In order to make it you will dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda into a quart of water. Mix it in thoroughly and then add a few drops of liquid soap so that the solution will stick to the leaves.

Diatomaceous Earth: Should you need to get rid of slugs or other soft bodied pests, this is the easiest solution. The biggest difficulty is that it is sometimes hard to find in more rural areas. All you will need to do is spread the diatomaceous earth around the plants and the sharp edges of the particles contained within will take care of the rest.

Neem Oil and Beneficial Nematodes: If you have a problem with grubs in your yard then you can use neem oil and/or beneficial nematodes. You will just need to spread these over the grass in which you wish to remove the grubs from. They both will stop the life cycle of the grubs.

Fruit Trees: We have all seen the results of trees infested with pests. We would want to remove those to help our fruit tree produce the quality fruit that we need for our families. In order to do that, here is a recipe to get rid of mites and mealybugs; take a quart of water and add one tablespoon of canola oil and a couple of drops of liquid ivory soap and combine well. Spray liberally all over the tree for the best results.

Japanese Beetles: Theses pests really are pests. They are extremely hard to get rid of and may require a multi-faceted approach. You may want to use one, some, or all of these in order to rid your garden of them: chives, garlic, tansy, and/or catnip.

Spider Mites: Want to get rid of spider mites once and for all? The simple solution that is offered is that of just using rubbing alcohol to rid the infested area of these pests. You can also mix three tablespoons of dish soap with a gallon of water and spray liberally. You will need to repeat this treatment on a weekly basis as needed in order to rid yourself of these pests permanently.

Earwigs: If you are dealing with the menacing looking earwigs you probably want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. You can use diatomaceous earth around doorways and if you are trying to keep them away from your plants you can simply add petroleum jelly to the stems of your plants to prevent them from being able to crawl on them.


In addition to these effective treatments for pests around the garden and home there are several other natural remedies for pests. If you search around your home, you should be able to find most if not all of these pest controllers. They range from salt, lime or lemon juice, vinegar, mint, cinnamon, and a myriad of other common household items.


There are several traps that are available such as the traditional mouse trap. Not to get too much into that but it does get the job done. Sticky traps are another option that is beneficial to containing and stopping pests from your home and garden.

There are also a lot of different electronic devices that are on the market these days that are used to control pests from the home. Each has varying success and it would be best to do your research prior to purchasing one of these.

You can also use barriers such as bird netting, row covers, and various types of collars to prevent pests from infesting your home and garden.


Cockroach Control

In order to contain and get rid of cockroaches you can use boric acid, coffee grounds, and fabric softener to name a few of your options.

Spider Control

Time to get rid of spiders? Feel free to use white vinegar, cedar, diatomaceous earth, mint or citrus.

Rodent Control

No time from rodents? You can get the standard mouse trap, glue boards, or ammonia since it mimics the smell of urine of predators. You can also use items that have strong smells such as peppermint oil as they tend to repel rodents.

Flea Control

Got fleas? There is nothing worse than trying to get them off of your pet. Once they are off of your pet they are still in the yard. You can use diatomaceous earth to get rid of them from the yard. Its sharp points will penetrate their relatively soft bodies and remove them from your yard and home.

Ant Control

If you need to eliminate ants from your home or garden you can use mint, vinegar, lemon juice, and cinnamon to name a few of the potential cures for these invasive pests.


It is important to note that the use of these environmentally safe and friendly approaches to pest control and eradication is part of an integrated pest management system, or IPM for short.

This means that you will integrate treatments for pests, initiate ways that you can prevent an infestation before it happens and control infestations as they occur. You will also use several different methods and models in order to contain and get rid of the pests that are plaguing your land and home.

This is of paramount importance as there is no one size fits all model that will work for all types of pests that you may encounter.

Some of the basic steps that you can take are to clean up food sources for the pests. Clean up spoiled and rotting food, pet food spills, and any garbage around your home. Remove clutter throughout your home and outside in your garden and yard.

Mow the lawn if it needs it and remove overgrown brush. Look around your property and see f it looks like it could possibly be a hiding place for any pests. If you think it could be it is more than likely that it will be utilized as such.

When you tend to your garden and yard make sure that you are properly irrigating, pruning and fertilizing plants and just generally taking care of the yard and garden.

If you have done all of this or if you haven’t and you experience an infestation then you will want to use one of the eco friendly pesticides that are listed in this article.

They are intended to not harm the environment, your pets, you, and will ensure that you have the best garden that you can. While this is important, it is also important to not lose focus on what your goals are in this integrated approach to the avoidance and removal of any and all pests.

In order to have the best garden and home that you can, you will need to take into account the pest problems that you will inevitability face.

There are several ways in which that this can be done and for a fraction of the price of what it costs to pay someone to come and do it and you don’t have to harm the environment in order to accomplish the goal. Sounds like a win- win situation.